Program Kontrol Suhu Arduino Keypad

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  1. Program Kontrol Suhu Arduino Keypad Instructions
Program kontrol suhu arduino keypad instructionsProgram kontrol suhu arduino keypad instructions

Program Kontrol Suhu Arduino Keypad Instructions

Arduino keypad programming

By following the Fritzing schematic above, plug the LCD in the breadboard and then connect it to the Arduino board with jumpers. After that plug the potentiometer and the sensor in the breadboard, connect the left and the right pins of the pot to ground and +5V and the middle one to the LCD display.Then connect the sensor to ground and to +5V and to the Arduino but be very carefully, because if you connect it wrong the sensor will heat up to 280+ C(540 F) and might get damaged. Once you have connected everything move on the next step. Step 3: Programming the Arduino.